Wasps vs Bees vs Hornets | Tonawanda, NY

Wasp on nest

When it comes to stinging insects, it can be easy to confuse wasps, bees, and hornets. However, each of these creatures has unique characteristics that set them apart. In the Tonawanda, NY, area, dealing with these insects can be a common occurrence during the warmer months. Understanding the differences between wasps, bees, and hornets is essential for knowing how to safely co exist with them in your environment.


Wasps are a diverse group of insects belonging to the order Hymenoptera, which also includes bees and ants. Known for their painful stings and impressive hunting abilities, wasps are often misunderstood and feared creatures. With over 30,000 species worldwide, they can be found in various habitats, ranging from forests to urban areas. While certain species are considered pests due to their habit of building nests near human dwellings, others play crucial roles in ecosystems as pollinators and natural pest controllers. 


Wasps are known for their aggressive behavior, especially when their nests are disturbed. They will defend their colony fiercely and can sting multiple times in defense. When a wasp stings, it releases a pheromone that signals other nearby wasps to attack as well. This can lead to painful stings and potentially dangerous situations, especially for those who are allergic to insect venom.

Types of Wasps in Tonawanda, NY

In Tonawanda, NY, there are several types of wasps that can be found. These include the bald-faced hornet, paper wasp, and yellow jacket. Each species has distinct characteristics that differentiate them from one another.

Firstly, the bald-faced hornet (Dolichovespula maculata) is a black and white wasp with a distinct white face marking. They are known for constructing large, papery nests that can typically be found in tree branches or man-made structures. Bald-faced hornets are aggressive in defending their nest, making them a potential danger to humans if provoked. They are primarily carnivorous, with their diet consisting of other insects.

Secondly, the paper wasp (Polistes spp.) is a slender, elongated wasp with a reddish-brown or black body. They are known for their paper-like nests, which are typically small and open-combed. Paper wasps are less aggressive compared to bald-faced hornets but can sting if their nest is disturbed. Their diet primarily consists of nectar and other insects.

Lastly, the yellow jacket (Vespula spp.) is a black and yellow wasp commonly found in Tonawanda, NY. They are known for their aggressive behavior and ability to sting multiple times. Yellow jackets build nests underground or in enclosed spaces, such as hollow trees or wall cavities. They are scavengers and are attracted to human food and sugary substances.


Bees are incredible creatures that play a vital role in our ecosystem. Through their pollination efforts, they ensure the reproduction of countless plant species, making them essential for environmental balance and human food security. However, bees face numerous challenges today, including habitat loss, pesticide use, climate change, disease, and parasites. 


Bees are highly social insects that live in colonies with a structured hierarchy. Within a bee colony, there are three main types of bees: the queen, drones, and worker bees. The queen bee is the only fertile female in the colony and is responsible for laying eggs. Drones are male bees whose primary role is to mate with the queen. Worker bees, which are all females, are responsible for various tasks within the colony, including foraging for food, caring for the young, and defending the hive.

Bees communicate with each other through intricate dances and pheromones. For example, when a worker bee finds a rich source of nectar or pollen, she will perform a waggle dance to inform her fellow bees of its location. Bees also release pheromones to communicate information about the location of food sources, the presence of danger, or the need for help within the hive.

Types of Bees in Tonawanda, NY

Tonawanda, NY is home to various types of bees that play a significant role as pollinators in the local ecosystem. Bees are known for their vital role in pollination, which is the process of transferring pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female parts, resulting in plant reproduction.

One common type of bee found in Tonawanda is the honeybee (Apis mellifera). These bees are known for their distinct black and yellow striped bodies, and they build complex hives to store honey and raise their young. Honeybees are incredibly important pollinators, as they visit various flowers in search of nectar and inadvertently transfer pollen between plants, aiding in their reproduction.

Another common bee species in Tonawanda is the bumblebee (Bombus spp.). Bumblebees are larger than honeybees and have a more robust appearance. They have round bodies covered in dense hair, which helps them to collect and distribute pollen more efficiently. Bumblebees are excellent pollinators for many plants, as they vibrate their wing muscles at a high frequency, causing flowers to release more pollen.

Mason bees (Osmia spp.) are also commonly found in Tonawanda. These bees are smaller than honeybees and bumblebees, with a metallic green or blue sheen to their body. Mason bees are solitary bees and do not live in hives. They construct individual nests in pre-existing cavities, such as hollow stems or holes in wood. Mason bees are effective pollinators, with certain species being efficient at pollinating fruit trees.


Hornets, known for their aggressive behavior and painful stings, are a type of large wasp found in various parts of the world. Belonging to the genus Vespa, they are distinguishable by their robust bodies, powerful wings, and vibrant colors. Hornets are known for living in colonies and building intricate nests, often in trees or underground. Despite their notorious reputation, hornets play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem balance by controlling populations of other insects. 


Hornets, including those found in Tonawanda, NY, are known for their aggressive behavior when threatened or when their nests are disturbed. These insects are highly territorial and will defend their colonies vigorously. Hornets communicate through pheromones, releasing chemical signals to alert other members of the colony to potential threats.

When a hornet perceives a threat, it may emit a loud buzzing sound and fly towards the perceived danger. Hornets can sting multiple times, as their stingers do not detach upon use. Their venom contains a mixture of toxic proteins that can cause intense pain, swelling, and in some cases, allergic reactions in humans.

Types of Hornets in Tonawanda, NY

In Tonawanda, NY, there are several types of hornets that can be found. These hornets, much like wasps, possess stingers that do not detach upon use, allowing them to sting multiple times. It is important to be aware of these hornets and exercise caution when encountering them.

The Bald-faced Hornet (Dolichovespula maculata) is easily recognizable due to its distinct black and white coloration. It is larger in size compared to other hornets found in Tonawanda and is known for its aggressive behavior when its nest is disturbed.

The European Hornet (Vespa crabro), although not native to North America, has established itself in Tonawanda. It is larger than other hornet species and possesses a yellow and brown coloration. Its sting can be quite painful, causing a local reaction.

The Eastern Yellow Jacket (Vespula maculifrons) is known for its aggressive nature, especially when protecting its nest. It has a yellow and black coloration, resembling other wasp species in the area.

The Northern Paper Wasp (Polistes fuscatus), while not strictly a hornet, is commonly mistaken for one due to its similar appearance. It is larger in size compared to other wasps and has a brownish coloration. It can deliver multiple painful stings if provoked.

Found A Nest? Call Eco Serve Pest Services

If you encounter a wasp, bee, or hornet nest on your property in Tonawanda, NY, it is important to handle the situation with caution. Disturbing a nest can provoke aggressive behavior from these insects and result in painful stings. If you come across a nest and are unsure of how to safely remove it, it is recommended to contact a professional pest control company such as Eco Serve Pest Services. Our team of experts is trained in the safe removal and relocation of stinging insects, ensuring the safety of you and your family.

Remember, while these insects may be beneficial for pollination and ecosystem balance, it is essential to exercise caution and respect their territory. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our highly trained stinging insect control experts. 

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